Monday, August 13, 2007

Rachel M. - 2007-08-13

Author: Rachel M.
Location: Mosquito Island
It was 5:45 this morning when the trusty skipper watch woke us all up. Jim soon arrived clad in his timeless, airy white shirt and belted shorts to drive us to 2 different beaches where we looked for turtle hatchlings, swam, raced and full blown frolicked. We were barely at the boat for 10 minutes when we departed for Mozzy Island (as the Aussies would say). At the island, we had a brief encounter with the owner himself, Mr. Richard Branson of Virgin Atlantic. We then met up with Clive who explained to us what we were doing later. We went for a little hike led by the young adventurous Daniel, Clive's son. The best part of the hike had to be Honeymoon Beach, hands down the MOST GORGEOUS beach I've ever seen. After going back to the boat for Hilary's delicious Mac n Cheese (though not as tasty for mine and Jess), we went to the beach and one group worked with Whelks while my group worked with conchs (which are slimy and creepy and should never be eaten). After a long day of work, we headed back to the boat for a delicious dinner and brownie/cookie dessert. Now, with Legman's beautiful singing voice to aide me, I must depart. Au revoir, as Team France would say.

Flickr Photos from Today
Flickr Photos from this Voyage


Unknown said...

it would be "not as tasty AS mine and jess'S" but i'll forgive your lapse in writing ability since you've probably sun-poisoned your brain by now. still extremely jeal and sitting at my cubicle at work. so much to tell you, and you are going to roosys with me the second you get home. keep saving the turtles, learning to swim, and picking up hot guys. miss youuuu love!

Unknown said...

HEY there neice.... conchs you say, shucks -> we were going to have them for dinner tonight. It all looks really fun but Jenna and I are progamming stats all day. Enjoy!!