Sunday, August 12, 2007

George H. - 2007-08-12

Author: George H.
Location: Sommer's Beach
Today we awoke on time and ate breakfast by 8, just in time for the Quest guys to come over and join us. We then left Muskmellon Bay and headed to Lee Bay to turtle for two and a half hours. We then went to Monkey Point where we actually saw several turtles. This led to a 20-minute swimming excursion through sometimes jellyfish infested waters. Unfortunately, despite our speediest efforts, our turtle friend escaped our measuring paws today. While off the boat someone left the water faucet on, and so we had to fill up fresh water again at Marina Cay. Although we arrived a little late for the beach barbecue, we still arrived in time to enjoy the sunset on the beach and play the Game of Life.

Flickr Photos from Today
Flickr Photos from this Voyage

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