Thursday, August 16, 2007

Rachel L. - 2007-08-16

Author: Rachel L.
Location: Road Town, Tortola
Today we woke up to the delicious and nutritious smell of French toast, cooked by the lovely George and Andrew. Some of us then headed back over to Conrad's place to purchase some large conch shells, while others set out to survey some local boats. Sarah drove the dinghy wonderfully, except when she accidentally drove into Oceanstar (an 88ft schooner). Afterwards, we immediately set sail for Salt Island which took about 2 hours. When we arrived at Salt, we dinghied over to the beach. Torin shared a brief story about a shipwreck that happened years before. Next, we hiked up a gigantic mountain (not really- it was only 10 minutes) and looked out on the deep blue ocean and the shallow, red salt ponds. After our hike, we enjoyed a PB and J lunch and went out to turtle. We were towed along beautiful shorelines and some people even saw a shark! When we were done (sadly no turtles), we enjoyed the final salt water shower and cleaned the bottom of the dinghy. At the end of the shower, we noticed a small barracuda nearby, but we were okay and there were no injuries. We set sail/motor to Rhode Town where we are staying tonight. We just ate an excellent meal of beans and rice with some hotdogs and cornbread. Now we are having our closing program. I don't want this lovely vacation to end!!

Flickr Photos from Today
Flickr Photos from this Voyage

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