Thursday, August 16, 2007

Rachel L. - 2007-08-16

Author: Rachel L.
Location: Road Town, Tortola
Today we woke up to the delicious and nutritious smell of French toast, cooked by the lovely George and Andrew. Some of us then headed back over to Conrad's place to purchase some large conch shells, while others set out to survey some local boats. Sarah drove the dinghy wonderfully, except when she accidentally drove into Oceanstar (an 88ft schooner). Afterwards, we immediately set sail for Salt Island which took about 2 hours. When we arrived at Salt, we dinghied over to the beach. Torin shared a brief story about a shipwreck that happened years before. Next, we hiked up a gigantic mountain (not really- it was only 10 minutes) and looked out on the deep blue ocean and the shallow, red salt ponds. After our hike, we enjoyed a PB and J lunch and went out to turtle. We were towed along beautiful shorelines and some people even saw a shark! When we were done (sadly no turtles), we enjoyed the final salt water shower and cleaned the bottom of the dinghy. At the end of the shower, we noticed a small barracuda nearby, but we were okay and there were no injuries. We set sail/motor to Rhode Town where we are staying tonight. We just ate an excellent meal of beans and rice with some hotdogs and cornbread. Now we are having our closing program. I don't want this lovely vacation to end!!

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Aug 16 Director's Special Weather Update

ActionQuest and Lifeworks Director Mike Meighan calls in with a special weather update from alongside the dock in the protected Sunsail marine in Road Harbour, BVIs. The podcast is paraphrased below.

"We've been paying close attention to Dean since it left the African Coast last week.... The great news is that she has stayed well to our South (about 200 miles) and is moving west at around 23 MPH..."
"We might see some rain showers and gusty winds but that's about all..."
"Even so, you always need to act in a precautionary manner so we have selected to bring all of the vessels alongside the Sunsail dock in Road Harbour where we will stay tonight at the least..."
"As the storm splips south the big question will be how the airlines choose to react and whether we'll experience any delays on our travel day. Right now there are no forecast delays yet we'll need to wait and see..."
"Jim Stoll, Travis Yates and myself are all in the BVI for the next week so our Florida Office will be short staffed. We understand that parents might be concerned over the travel plans yet we ask that you resist the temptation to call the office without having contacted the airlines first..."
"If and when we have more specific information we'll try to post another update on this system, in the meantime is a good resource for all the current information on Dean."

Monday, August 13, 2007

Rachel M. - 2007-08-13

Author: Rachel M.
Location: Mosquito Island
It was 5:45 this morning when the trusty skipper watch woke us all up. Jim soon arrived clad in his timeless, airy white shirt and belted shorts to drive us to 2 different beaches where we looked for turtle hatchlings, swam, raced and full blown frolicked. We were barely at the boat for 10 minutes when we departed for Mozzy Island (as the Aussies would say). At the island, we had a brief encounter with the owner himself, Mr. Richard Branson of Virgin Atlantic. We then met up with Clive who explained to us what we were doing later. We went for a little hike led by the young adventurous Daniel, Clive's son. The best part of the hike had to be Honeymoon Beach, hands down the MOST GORGEOUS beach I've ever seen. After going back to the boat for Hilary's delicious Mac n Cheese (though not as tasty for mine and Jess), we went to the beach and one group worked with Whelks while my group worked with conchs (which are slimy and creepy and should never be eaten). After a long day of work, we headed back to the boat for a delicious dinner and brownie/cookie dessert. Now, with Legman's beautiful singing voice to aide me, I must depart. Au revoir, as Team France would say.

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Sunday, August 12, 2007

George H. - 2007-08-12

Author: George H.
Location: Sommer's Beach
Today we awoke on time and ate breakfast by 8, just in time for the Quest guys to come over and join us. We then left Muskmellon Bay and headed to Lee Bay to turtle for two and a half hours. We then went to Monkey Point where we actually saw several turtles. This led to a 20-minute swimming excursion through sometimes jellyfish infested waters. Unfortunately, despite our speediest efforts, our turtle friend escaped our measuring paws today. While off the boat someone left the water faucet on, and so we had to fill up fresh water again at Marina Cay. Although we arrived a little late for the beach barbecue, we still arrived in time to enjoy the sunset on the beach and play the Game of Life.

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Saturday, August 11, 2007

Hortense L. - 2007-08-11

Author: Hortense L.
Location: Muskmellon Bay
We left Marina Cay early in the morning to get some water and food. Then we sailed for about 50 minutes. When we arrived, Victor, one of the AQ staff members, gave us small Pico sailboats, and Torin started waterskiing in groups of three in this lovely place. We had a ton of fun wakeboarding and waterskiing and having a macaroni and cheese food fight. Tonight three boats from ActionQuest came over for a Lifeworks Forum.

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Friday, August 10, 2007

Sarah B. - 2007-08-10

Author: Sarah B.
Location: Marina Cay
Our day started with a heated discussion over the merits of wet or dry oatmeal. We next ventured to shore on a wet and thrilling dinghy ride. The Anegadan Rock Iguana Rehabilitation Facility was right there, but first we went to find iguana nests (by the flamingoes) which were out in the bushes of Anegada. We all returned to the facility covered in scrapes, but we still all cleaned, fed and attempted to catch the iguanas (unless you were Rachel Legman, in whose case tried the iguana food!). When we got back the boat, it was already two o'clock so we decided to skip lunch and make it linner. We then started sailing to Marina Cay. The said was two hours long and I had to helm which was not so fun because I was so bad at it, but it was a cool thing to learn. The night ended with a delicious linner of chili, rice, and grilled cheese and a motivational talk with all of ActionQuest.

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Thursday, August 9, 2007

Tim N. - 2007-08-09

Author: Tim N.
Location: Anegada
Today we woke up after a pretty windy night to go to the Old Yacht Harbour of Anegada. There we met a man named Rasta Jim, who is one of the cooler people I have met in my life. We turtled with him and caught 6 hawksbills and 3 green turtles. It was a very rewarding day and catching a turtle was one of the most exhilarating and unforgettable moments of my life. My turtle's name was Liz in honor of Liz (our shipmate's) birthday.

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